Guide on Planting Cannabis Seeds to Achieve the Highest Germination Rate

Germinating cannabis seeds is a crucial first step in the cultivation journey, and it's a stage that many growers find challenging. While germination isn't difficult, it just requires a bit of experience and specific knowledge. This article aims to help new growers successfully germinate seeds using the wet paper towel method.

How do Seeds Germinate?

In nature, cannabis plants typically produce seeds in the fall, which then fall to the ground during winter. Inside each seed, there's a bit of energy to survive until spring when the weather becomes warm and humid—this is when seeds germinate. You can understand it as the seed being a dormant plant, enclosed in a tough shell, waiting for the right environmental conditions to grow into a mature plant. The process of seed germination involves bringing the seed out of its dormant state by recreating the suitable environmental conditions. When germinating seeds, it's essential to ensure that the seeds come into contact with air, high humidity and suitable temperature.

The Wet Paper Towel Method

Germinating seeds with a wet paper towel is one of the most popular methods in the cannabis cultivation world. It allows growers to easily control environmental factors, leading to nearly perfect germination rates. This method is straightforward and doesn't require expensive or complex tools, making it suitable for all, especially beginners.


  • High-Quality Seeds: Ensure you use seeds from reputable seed banks with professional production and processing procedures.
  • Paper Towels: Choose durable towels with less lint than regular ones.
  • Two Plates: Used to maintain moisture for the germination process.
  • Tweezers
  • Heating Pad (Optional): If it is too cold, a heating pad should be used to maintain optimal condition for germination.

Start Germinating:

Step 1: Moistening the paper towel and placing it on the plate


The moisture content of the paper towel is a critical factor in this seed germination method. Excessive wetness can lead to seed damping-off, while dryness can halt the germination process.

To determine the optimal moisture level:

  • Submerge the paper towel in water, then squeeze it out until it no longer drips excess water. At this point, you should have an evenly moist paper towel. It might feel a bit dry to the touch, but this is ideal for seed germination.

After achieving the right moisture level, spread the moistened paper towel on the plate. You can layer 3-4 sheets to maintain moisture in the plate for a more extended period, especially if the air in your location is excessively dry.

Remember, maintaining the correct moisture balance is crucial for successful germination.

Step 2: Placing seeds on the wet paper towel and covering them

Spread the seeds evenly on the moistened paper towel.


Add another layer of moistened paper towel over the seeds.


Put the second plate on top.

While this step is straightforward, here are a few tips:

  • Germinate multiple seeds at once: Even with a perfect germination technique, achieving a 100% germination rate is challenging. Therefore, it's advisable to germinate more seeds than your need at a time to save time and account for the possibility of seeds not germinating.

  • Maintain adequate spacing: Avoid placing seeds too close together to prevent young roots from entangling. Separating tangled roots can be difficult and may harm the plants.

  • Avoid pressing the paper towels too tight: Adequate oxygen is crucial for seed germination. Ensure that the layers of paper towel above and below the seeds are not tightly pressed together, allowing air circulation. This is another reason why the paper towel shouldn't be too wet, as excess water can impede airflow.

Step 3: Place the plate in cool and dark location

The optimal germination temperature for cannabis seeds is between 20-30°C, with the best range being 24-28°C. If your living environment is too cold, you may need to use a heating pad. In general, indoor room temperature is usually sufficient for seed germination. Comfortable human living temperatures also tend to be suitable for seed germination.

Step 4: Check daily

  • Monitor the paper towel plate at least once a day to ensure consistent moisture levels.
  • Observe the root's growth to prepare for transplanting into pots.


Tap root is developing

Seeds typically shed their shells and develop roots within 1-5 days. However, some seeds may take up to a week or more. Patience is key. If after 5 days the seeds haven't shed their shells, they might have thick or tough shells hindering water absorption. Check for any unusual odors from the seeds and, if none, gently scratch the pointed tip of the seed to thin the shell. Continue the germination process for a few more days.

Step 5: Planting in your medium

When the roots emerge from the seed coat and reach a length of 0.5-1cm, it's time to plant the seed in your medium, in this case, we plant in soil. Prepare a small hole with a depth of about 2cm for seed planting. At this stage, the root system is still delicate and easily damaged, so handle the seeds gently using tweezers to lift them from the paper towel and place them into the prepared hole. Be extremely careful, especially if you lack experience in this step.


Handle the seeds gently when placing them in the hole.

After placing the seed in the hole, cover the surrounding soil over the seed. Do not compact the soil; simply cover the seed enough to shield it from light. Finally, add a few drops of water around the hole to maintain moisture in the soil.

Young roots are susceptible to damage, so pay special attention to soil moisture. Keep the soil moisture consistent with the levels maintained when the seed was in the paper towel. Avoid waterlogging the soil, as this can impede air circulation around the roots.

Alternatively, you can plant the seeds in compressed peat pellets made from coconut fiber or peat moss. These pellets expand when soaked in water and maintain proper moisture levels. They also provide excellent aeration for the roots.


After 1-2 days, you'll notice the emergence of the first pair of leaves from the planted seed. Usually, the seed coat will remain in the soil as the seedling emerges. However, in some cases, the seed coat might get caught on the first leaves. You can use tweezers to gently remove the seed coat from the leaves. Exercise extreme care to avoid damaging the delicate leaves or stem. If you're not confident, it's better to let the plant grow a bit larger, and it will naturally shed the seed coat.


With these detailed steps, we believe anyone can successfully germinate cannabis seeds with an almost perfect germination rate. In summary, regardless of the germination method, ensure three key factors: high humidity, warm temperature (20-30℃), and oxygen (air circulation). Meeting these conditions guarantees successful seed germination.

Happy growing!

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